Various blood analyses are performed in our hospital upon the recommendation of expert faculty members/veterinarians for patients presenting for general examination, check-up, or with different ailments and symptoms.


Complete blood analyses for all animal species are routinely conducted in our hospital, measuring parameters such as WBC, LYM, LYM%, MID, MID%, GRAN, GRAN%, RBC, MCV, HCT, RDW-CV, HGB, MCH, MCHC, PLT, MPV, PCT, PDW, RDW-SD, and RDW-CV. These measurements allow for the examination of changes in blood cells, providing essential evaluations for disease diagnosis by expert faculty members. Complete blood analysis is also routinely performed to evaluate patients before anesthesia. Through this analysis, conditions such as infections, anemia, internal bleeding, and dehydration in animals can be identified.


06 March 2024, Wednesday 209 kez görüntülendi